Samson Tiara Resumes First Aid & Firefighting CSR Programme for High School (SMA / SMK) Students

Samson Tiara Resumes First Aid & Firefighting CSR Programme for High School (SMA / SMK) Students

Samson Tiara is delighted to announce the resumption of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme which aims to provide participating high school students essential knowledge and skills in basic first aid and firefighting.

Recognising the importance of equipping the youth of today with the necessary knowledge to respond to emergencies and to be proactive members of their community, we are eager to resume this programme that was unfortunately paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Educational, Social & Community Benefits

Through the learning of basic first aid skills, students have the potential to make a significant difference in the event of an emergency. During this programme, students will learn how to respond appropriately to incidents or accidents, such as performing CPR, controlling bleeding, treating burns, and aiding a choking victim. These skills can be applied to a range of situations, including sports injuries, car accidents, mishaps around the house or workplace, and even natural disasters. By learning these skills, students can become more confident and capable if confronted with an emergency and can potentially save the lives of those around them. Continue reading “Samson Tiara Resumes First Aid & Firefighting CSR Programme for High School (SMA / SMK) Students”
